After much consideration...I've decided to start my own blog! I've always had a love for fashion, but with jewelry and accessories in particular. So instead of writing about the general topic of fashion, I decided to dedicate this blog to accessories only. I'd like to try and post at least once a day about my recent finds, trends, lusts, places to shop, ways to style, DIY projects, new and upcoming lines (upscale and local), and photos of accessories I love from my own friends and maybe even strangers!
I also have a love for photography, so photographing jewelry and accesories is only the natural thing to do for me. A lot of the photographs on here will probably be from various websites and other blogs(if i don't give direct credit, let me know and I'll change that!), but I will also post my own photographs which are copy written by myself (so don't steal please!), just ask if you'd like to use any of my photos :) Hope you guys enjoy! And if you do, follow me!
I'll leave you with something that I never leave the house without...rings.